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Reliance Care medical Centre



Due to COVID-19, We are offering PHONE CONSULTATIONS to our eligible patients

Please Call on (03) 9958 6699 to book an appointment with our doctors.

Making Appointments

Our staff understands that your time is valuable and we recommend that you make an appointment with your preferred general practitioner by calling Reliance Care Medical Centre.

However, all patients who attend without an appointment will be seen by the next available doctor but waiting times can vary greatly.

A standard consultation may last up to 15 minutes and long consultations may be up to 30 minutes.

Long consultations are recommended if patients have numerous or complex issues to discuss with the doctor.

Please check with our receptionist regarding what would be an appropriate time for your appointment and the applicable fees payable.

Our doctors make every effort to see you at your allocated appointment time.

However, occasionally emergencies arise which require management and we appreciate our patients understanding that this can cause a delay.

Waiting Times

Our doctors try to run as close as possible to their appointment times, however this is not always possible.

Emergencies take priority and may cause unexpected delays.

If you are concerned that your doctor may be running late, you may wish to ring us before coming in.

Test Results

In order to maintain the confidentiality of all our patients we prefer that you make a follow up appointment to discuss test results. Taking time to discuss your results during an appointment also helps you gain a better understanding of your medical care.

Care Plans

The Clinic is experienced at preparing Care Plans for patients with chronic disease and mental health issues. Please ask our doctors or nurses if you wish to receive this service.

Home Visits and After Hours

If you require a home visit, please phone the clinic as early in the day as possible to see if your doctor is able to visit you at home. If a consultation is needed outside normal clinic hours please contact our 24 hour locum service on (03) 9958 6699.

Availability of Doctors by Telephone

Our doctors are contactable during normal clinic hours, however, a message will be taken by reception if the doctor is unavailable at the time of your call. Alternatively a nurse may be able to help with your question.

Children’s Services

The Clinic is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our youngest clients. Children are guaranteed an appointment on the same day.

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