Over our years of experience within the disability and community sectors we have come to recognize and appreciate the level of complexity faced by people with a disability when tackling everyday tasks and activities. We can provide training and development across a range of life skills, including:
To assist customers to manage these challenges, we offer a range of training and development activities, aimed at building their capacity to manage day‐to‐day life, through the development of their knowledge, skills and networks of support.
Alternatively, if you have a unique skill that you want to learn, Reliance Care will work with you to reach your goal. Our support workers come with a diverse range of backgrounds and interests. All we do is help match those skills and interests with you!
Our staff can work with you to develop your skills and independence to manage your finances, including managing a bank account and creating a budget.
By working to improve your numeracy and literacy, we can also improve your skills for communication and independent living.
We understand that being a parent or career is a full‐time, high pressure job, placing significant demands on an individual’s time, energy and resources. We can work with parents and carers to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to manage both their day‐to‐day realities and longer-term situations.
In partnership with parents and carers, we can provide information and guidance about the management of challenging behaviours, personal care and meal time support.
We can also work with parents to manage episodic issues including transitions into, between and out of educational settings and transition out of the family home into independent or group‐based living environments.
For any enquiries please contact one of our friendly staff or send a referral form with all information.